
Anthology! At Last!!

Anthology is the trilogy book trailer with a sneak peek at all novels in the series.  In sort of a comic themed video based on the trilogy author's sarcasm, readers get a sense of the content including the not-yet-released third novel which is due out this month. The art is all done by the author, and is as back-to-school as book reports and lunch money.  Don't forget to check the Book Shop for this fun, vampire mystery-adventure series!

What's to come at Fae-tality Publishing?  Willow, a cyber-punk dystopian novel that was started at Camp NaNoWriMo.  The trailer and cover art will be released in November, with the novel due out in December, 2014.  Also, dressable Jessica, Raven, and Theopolis are as avatars in their virtual world - Vampire DeAngeliuson at GuildPortal.  They'll dress for school, parties at Ickabod's, the Underworld Castle, college, and dorm room.  The guild's subdomain is Jessica,

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