
Why Fae-taility Publishing Is An Independent Publisher

Fae-tality Publishing is an independent publishing, um, label.  Like music labels often have independent producers who pitch their music, songs, and lyrics to Sony - or they conduct their own business without the bigger production houses - the same can be done with publishing.  Random House, William Morris, Penguin - these are major publishers.  Once an author signs with a major publisher, all independent publisher duties belong to the contractual agreement as determined by an author-signed contract.

Isn't Independent Publishing Just Self-Publishing - With the Vanity of Using Another Name?

Not really.  It requires an agreement, purchasing a number, and then, yes, registering a publisher name.  It also requires a minimum number of new titles a year, having a maintaining a website, listing with book buyers lists and registering with Bowker - where all the worlds books can be catalogued for purchase.  Very much like an indie music label so these publishers began being called Independent Publishers.  The range of what those words mean can be anywhere from a sole proprietor producing a minimum of 2 new titles per year, to an Independent Publisher with a widely known name contracting with many authors per year and still not becoming a standard, traditional publisher, although in partnership with their author list and can even incorporate to become a corporation.

Which one is Fae-tality Publishing?
A sole-proprietor producing (and scrambling to publish) a minimum two titles per year.  What does this offer the author?  A lot of hard work.  Writing, editing, blogging, vlogging (oh my!), and publishing.

What does this offer readers of Fae-tality Publishing books, then?
Free e-books!  Every October - the month vampires just love to carouse in their traditional garb at least one day a year - Fae-tality Publishing offers FREE ebooks - the DeAngeliuson vampire trilogy - each will be free for 1 week this coming October.  And don't forget the annual FREE ebook: The Faerie Ring Dance - every December.  Its a great way to entertain the younger than middle grade reader or have family fun in the busy, and short, month of December.  Free ebook offers will be posted, here, on the blog and on Facebook.

The libraries in Portland, Oregon will be holding discussions about Independent Publishing, writing, and becoming an author this Fall, 2015.  If you live in the area, check out this link - Library Writers Projectfor information about upcoming seminars.

If you would like to be able to check out Fae-tality Publishing books at local Portland libraries, leave a comment, or send an Email with your request.  Wait for these 3 Free ebooks, or buy them - in paperback and ebook - now:

The Vampire DeAngeliuson Trilogy

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