
Book Three in the Trilogy - The Vampire DeAngeliuson

The Nebulizer Potion and the Electric Compass, book iii in the life and times of Jessica, the youngest (and most reluctant blood 'borrower') of the DeAngeliuson's ancient line is out!!  The planned summer release was post-poned; but, by the time leaves began to fall from the trees and before their bare branches make spooky shadows across the window panes and the wind makes strange bumps in the night, the book was launched! Now available for ducking under the covers with your flashlights.  Trusty heroine, Jessica, sent to save fright-life's Underworld from a murderous Witch, cause her ancient line to come calling - beckoning 'night rides' at the window of the newly-wedded, darling to devoted, mortal Drew.

Two questions you might have had after reading book two: Where did Raven go?  Was he really that freaked out to mistrust miss Jessica after just her first 'feed' on the lunch lady rather than the lunch line?  Yes.

And... Does Theopolis disappear, now, too - now that Jessica chose mortal Drew as her life long (as long as a human life lasts) love?  No, but that turns out to be the Witch's fault, not Jessica's.  He re-appears in book iii for an update.

And now another update:  plans for creating the trilogy's Anthology, aren't just plans, anymore.  The drudgery and intensity has begun in matching imaginative, creepy, and hopefully fun-to-read images with each character's escapades and is "O, villans!" underway. "Stakes and poor choices to go out alone!" See the Anthology video, above.